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Insanity (1st Edition) Poetry Book


Buch (Taschenbuch, Englisch)

Insanity is a collection of poems and impressions dealing with different topics such as self-development, self-doubts, fear, love, lust, happiness. It takes readers through a process of aching, accepting and healing; bringing light and peace into their hearts and feeding them with touching events.

This book is a source of motivation, optimism and inspiration. Modern English poems for the young and the old. Whether one loves poems or not – the reader will be part of a lovely journey full of heartache and shifting.

If you wish to order the ebook: click here.

Artikelnummer: book-insanity-soft Kategorie: Schlagwort:

„When Lust rushes, it’s Love that hushes.“



„Great work of modern poetry. The poems are put very carefully together in three different chapters and the content is very relatable and lovely to read. I also loved the illustrations and the cover design. You can just feel that the author put much love and work into this book. I totally can recommend it to anyone even if you are not a native English speaker.“ —Elena


„Einzigartige Poesie. Hoher literarischer Anspruch. Ich bin beeindruckt von der lyrischen Schreibweise. Es regt zum Nachdenken an. Kann ich vollends empfehlen.“ —Mehtap


„Very exciting. Some parts are highly relatable but as poems should be, some remain deeper and more abstract. Very well written. Keep up the good job!“ —Dini



Insanity – Phrases about: Perfection, Imperfection, Affection, Aversion










Dieses Buch ist von der Autorin Deniz Celebi signiert. Wenn du eine besondere Widmung wünschst, fülle bitte beim Bezahlen die Bestellnotiz aus.

This book is signed by the author Deniz Celebi. If you wish to have a special dedication, please fill in the order notes when checking out.


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Deutschland — Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage
Versandkostenfrei ab einem Bestellwert von 60,00 €
Versicherter Versand: 3,50 € Brief / 4,95 € Paket

Europaweit — Alle Infos unter: shop.denizcelebi.com/versand

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